Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Trivia Night!

The 2nd annual Trivia Night was held in the Glendale Cafeteria last night.  Josh Kitchin with Young Life was our host along with Mr. Clifton.  Glendale alumni Olivia Brand and Elise Munroe who brought along some of their Missouri State teammates, as well as Kaley Lyons and Mallory Sidwell participated in the fun.  Godfather's Pizza generously provided a variety of pizza, and gift cards to Andy's were awarded to the winning team.  The highlight of the evening was watching the coaches dance the "Macarena" for monetary donations to the Volleyball Booster Club.

Coaches Lyons, Bates, Glover and Perry
Elise Munroe, Olivia Brand and MSU VB teammates
Freshmen Moms
Emily, Rachel, Kelsey, Emma B2., Emma B
More freshmen...
"Heads or Tails"
Josh Kitchin
More "Heads or Tails"